Video Samples:
Below are some videos taken while the two cameras were on the front deck of my kayak. The cameras were started at roughly the same time and stopped at roughly the same time. You can watch the Youtube file to see what they look like when uploaded, and click on the name below the Youtube to download the raw video:
GoPro - Sculling Brace:
Download the Raw File: SampleVid-ScullingBrace-GoPro.MP4 (19 megabytes)
This is a boring video, but it does have the GoPro set at 1080p (unlike the videos below).
ATC9K - Sculling Brace:
Download the Raw File: SampleVid-ScullingBrace-ATC.MOV (18 megabytes)
GoPro - Roll:
Download the Raw File: SampleVid-Roll-GoPro.MP4 (17 megabytes)
ps - my apologies - it looks like I had the camera set at 960p, instead of 1080p.
ATC9K - Roll:
Download the Raw File: SampleVid-Roll-ATC.MOV (11 megabytes)
There are two more videos you can also look at - of me paddling through a tunnel in Mendocino.
Download the file (35 mb) or watch it on Youtube
Download the file (23 mb) or watch it on Youtube
Effect of Wide Angle on Videos:
For the following pictures, we did a 3 camera comparison: Gopro, ATC9K, and a Pentax Optio WG-1 point and shoot. The Pentax was brought in for comparison so you could see the effect of the wide angle lens on the 2 mountables being reviewed.
Below are the screen shot from videos showing the effect of the wide angle lens. All were taken at highest resolution (1080p for the GoPro and ATC). We recommend looking at the variations between pictures in size on the yellow Cobra kayak and with the Golden Gate Bridge to get a feel for how items at medium and long distance would look. Click on the photo or it's file name below to open the full resolution version. These are the photos that were published in the magazine:
GoPro: | Download the Raw File: WideAngleTest-GoProVid.jpg |
ATC9K: | Download the Raw File: WideAngleTest-ATCVid.jpg |
Pentax: | Download the Raw File: WideAngleTest-PentaxVid.jpg |
Effect of Wide Angle on Photos:
Below are pictures taken with each camera. The GoPro and ATC9K both at highest resolution setting. Once again, look at the yellow kayak and the bridge to get a feel for how the wide angle affects how things look in still photos.
GoPro: | Download the Raw File: WideAngleTest-GoProStill.JPG |
ATC9K: | Download the Raw File: WideAngleTest-ATCStill.JPG |
Pentax: | Download the Raw File: WideAngleTest-PentaxStill.JPG |